Orb Networks Port Devices Driver

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The managed hosts are also known as the agent or bootprint machines. The managed hosts are managed by the Tivoli Storage Network Manager manager machine. The managed host machines will have the Tivoli Kernel Services bootprint installed along with the Tivoli Storage Network Manager agent software (device drivers and other software). The following steps to install the managed hosts are described.

The managed host (or bootprint) machine cannot be on the same machine as the manager machine.

Step 1: Installing the Tivoli Kernel Services Bootprint

Before installing the Tivoli Kernel Services bootprint, make sure that orb.1 on the manager machine has finished initialization.

Before installing the Tivoli Kernel Services bootprint on a managed AIX host, check the following:

  • Tivoli Kernel Services readme file
  • Tivoli Storage Network Manager Web site for AIX fixes that need to be applied:

The Tivoli Kernel Services bootprint installation program must be run:

  • As the root user on UNIX systems
  • From a user ID with local, not domain, Administrator authority on Windows systems.

To install the Tivoli Kernel Services bootprint, follow these steps:

  1. Log onto the managed host machine.
  2. Insert the Tivoli Kernel Services bootprint CD into the CD-ROM drive of the managed host machine.
  3. For Windows: The Tivoli Kernel Services bootprint CD is not an AutoRun CD. Go into Windows Explorer and click on your CD-ROM drive. On the right of the Explorer panel, double-click the Install.bat program.

    For AIX: Use these commands for mounting the device:

    Note that the ' following the -r option are two single quotes (not a double quote).

  4. The Welcome screen is displayed. Click Next to continue.
  5. You will see the License Agreement screen. Read the license agreement and if you agree, click Yes.
  6. You will see this Readme File of last-minute instructions. Read the contents and click Next to continue.
  7. The Choose the Type of Bootprint screen allows you to choose the type of Tivoli Kernel Services bootprint installation. Select Tivoli Kernel Services endpoint server. Click Next to continue.

    Figure 69. Choose the Type of Bootprint Screen

  8. You are asked to specify the bootprint destination directory. Click Next to continue.

    Figure 70. Specifying the Bootprint Destination Directory

  9. The Enter the Bootprint Information screen is displayed. Enter the following information:
    • Bootprint server host name: fully qualified host name of this managed host
    • Bootprint server port number: 9990
    • Installation depot host name: fully qualified host name for your manager machine (note: you need to replace the default value)
    • Installation depot port number: 9990
    • MQSeries server host name: fully qualified host name for your manager machine
    • MQSeries server port number: 1414 (this is the default port for MQSeries)

    Uncheck the box for Automatically start this bootprint server after install completes. Click Next to continue.

    Figure 71. Specifying Bootprint Information

  10. The Enter the Tivoli Kernel Services Installer Information screen is displayed. Accept the default user ID and password. Click Next to continue.

    Figure 72. Specifying Installer Information

  11. The Review the Selected Options for the Bootprint Server screen is displayed. Verify that the information that is entered and click Next. The installation will begin.

    Figure 73. Reviewing Selected Options

  12. The Information screen is displayed. Click Next to continue.

    Figure 74. Information Screen

  13. When the installation has completed, the Bootprint Server Is Complete screen is displayed. Click Finish.

    Figure 75. Bootprint Server Is Complete Screen

Step 2: Run bpsetup.cmd on all Windows NT and 2000 Managed Host (Bootprint) Machines

Before running this step, make sure that you have run Step 4: Run idsetup.cmd.

Run the bpsetup.cmd to perform critical updates to Tivoli Kernel Services that are necessary before the Tivoli Storage Network Manager installation program is run. This step must be run on all Windows NT and Windows 2000 managed host (bootprint) machines.

Orb Networks Port Devices Driver

Follow these steps:

  1. At this point, orb.1 should not be running. Open a command prompt window.
  2. Ensure that the Tivoli Storage Network Manager CD is in the CD-ROM drive. If your CD-ROM drive is e, then type e:.
  3. Change your drive directory to util. For example:
  4. Run the following command:

    Where <TKSBP_directory> refers to the directory where the Tivoli Kernel Services bootprint is installed. By default, this is c:Tivolibp.

  5. From a command prompt window, start the managed host orb.1 by issuing the following command:

    If this is the first time you are launching orb.1 after installing the Tivoli Kernel Services patch 1.1.1-TKS-0004, orb.1 automatically shuts down for upgrading. You will have to re-launch orb.1.

  6. Close the command prompt window by issuing the following command:

Orb Networks Port Devices Driver Ed

Step 3: Run bpsetup.sh on all AIX Managed Host (Bootprint) Machines

Run the bpsetup.sh script to perform critical updates to Tivoli Kernel Services that are necessary before the Tivoli Storage Network Manager installation program is run. This step must be run on all AIX managed host machines (if you have AIX managed host machines).

Orb Networks Port Devices Driver Updater

Follow these steps:

Orb Networks Port Devices Drivers

  1. At this point, orb.1 should not be running. Ensure that the Tivoli Storage Network Manager CD is in the CD-ROM drive and mounted. We will refer to the CD-ROM mounted directory as /cdrom/TSNM. Issue these commands:

    Where ' on the -r option are two single quotes (not a double quote).

  2. Change your working directory to the /util directory on CD. For example:
  3. Run the following command:

    Where <TKSBP_directory> refers to the directory where Tivoli Kernel Services bootprint is installed. The sh command is necessary because the bpsetup.sh file does not have execute permission on the CD.

  4. Start the managed host orb.1 by issuing this command:

    If this is the first time you are launching orb.1 after installing the Tivoli Kernel Services patch 1.1.1-TKS-0004, orb.1 automatically shuts down for upgrading. You will have to re-launch orb.1.

Orb Networks Port Devices Driver

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Orb Networks Port Devices Driver License Test